Thursday 18 February 2016


Oh God make me stronger
Wrong prayer.
Oh God send me your help
Wrong prayer.
Oh God make me bold
Wrong prayer.
Oh God make me feel your presence 
Wrong prayer.
Oh God increase my faith 
Wrong prayer.
Oh God draw me closer 
Wrong prayer.
Oh God give me double Anointing 
Wrong prayer.

Friends, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit. Don't let anyone talk you out or confuse you with explanations that speaking in [other] tongue is a gift to a particular set of people.
He who speaks in [other] tongue edifies, promotes and improves himself. Therefore, I admonish everyone of you to allow your spirit to mingle with the spirit of God; by praying in [other] tongues.
Even though the things you might be saying may not make sense to you nor to those around you, in the realm of the spirit; you are revealing divine truth that will help your angels [guarding Angels] know what to do for you. Glory to God!

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