Tuesday 16 February 2016


Finance Convention
The mystery is taken away once the knowledge arrives. Life is no mystery. It's all about the knowledge we have of anything. God said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. So getting that knowledge is the most important exercise the Christian should get involved in. When tests come it only means you are ready for a promotion. The word in you has got to be tested so it can be trusted.
Everything in life has sound. Everything created has sound. Because everything was created with sound. What is important is not just the sound but the sound code. You have to be in sync with what God has said.
Hebrew 13:5-6
He said so that I may say. There is "His" saying, and there is "my" saying.
Psalm 27:1-3
Everything God created has sound in it and therefore means it can respond to sound.
And the response it gets is dependent on the coding of the sound.
Psalm 148:1-14
God commanded everything to praise Him because He knows it is possible for them to respond.
Imagine Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still.
Psalm 150:1-6
1 Corinthians 2:6
Sound is energy that is emitted by longitudinal pressure waves. Energy must have a cause or a source. Something must trigger it. The answer is found in the word.
John 1:1-3 Everything was made by the word.
Jesus said to natural non born again believers that they will say unto a mountain to move and it shall move, and nothing shall be impossible unto them. Natural men. How much more us.
What God wants is for me to always line up with His word. There is where my victory and glory lies.
Luke 2:52
It is possible to be in a state of expectancy all the time.
Make a continuous proclamation of the favour of God upon your life, and you will see it happen.
Expect good things. And make them happen through your words.
Never be stranded. We can't be stranded. I have favour. As we communicate like this we are making contact with the forces of life.
Don't be trying to use the word in the crisis. Instead take the word into the crisis.
You should already have the word before the crisis comes.
When you hear a testimony The favour, gift, power that caused that testimony to take place is transmitted in the testimony to the one who hears it and believes it.
We can go beyond time and space. It means going beyond the limits of distance. This is because of where we live. . . in heaven.
Good things don't just happen to us, they happen for us. So we just have to observe it and take it. You believe in God, believe in miracles. To believe in God and not believe in miracles is a terrible contradiction. Learn to voice your miracle. At the moment you voice it starts getting created for you.
John 14:14
If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. Which means that even if that thing did not exist, He will do it. Anything! No limits!!
You can carry your own atmosphere. Look at the children of Israel; they carried their own atmosphere in the wilderness for forty years. Wow!
There is a presence for you. There is an atmosphere for you. All you need to do is get into alignment with God.
We are in the world but not of the world.
Let us bring the life of where we hail from into the world where we are.
It is like the American Embassy in Nigeria.
That piece of land is a country in a country, and is not influenced by the country that it's in.
We are from heaven. Let's act like we know where we are from.
Your thoughts release signals. Those signals can be transmitted even to others.
Be careful about thoughts you allow. You may make something happen that you don't even want. For instance the bible says "fear not". Which means your fear can introduce into your life things you never want but are just afraid of.
Train yourself to be positive with God.
Learn to live in the future of your dreams.

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