Monday, 22 February 2016

Finance Convention with Pastor Chris February 21st, 2016

Finance Convention with Pastor Chris
February, 21st, 2016
Day One!

Anybody who pays close attention and participates as he should would have am extraordinary result of what dominion is about. When we have a soul winning programme and people come and participate, they receive salvation, same for the healing service, healing gets to them. In such meeting there is an impartation that changes everything in that persons life.

The holy spirit understands purpose. He knew the purpose for every impartation and laying of hands. We got a purpose for meetings like this at this time and so Gods blessings will be available for the purpose for which we are gathered. It matters what you are gathering for and calling on God for. He looks at your heart, he understands your desire and responds accordingly. In the next few days from today, there will be a rain of blessings. When it comes to money, money is about buying and selling, giving and receiving, there is some exchange.

Genesis 17:1-7

Abraham was a man and God talked with him. If God hasn't changed, He still talks with men today because Abraham was a man.

When God changed Abram to Abraham, he didn't make him a promise, He already made him a father of many nations that's why he changed his name so he could live it. Abraham lives in circumstances that was so different from Gods plan and purpose for him. First he had the wrong name. God had to change his name to bring him into consistency with His plans. Your name matters, its a confession. If its not working today, sooner or later, it will work. If you have the wrong name, change it. That's can be a bold step in fulfilling Gods plan for you. Life is spiritual. God changes the name of son many people in the bible. From Simon to Peter. Simon means instability.
Your circumstances should not determine your life. God didn't say some kings will come out of thee, He said kings shall come out of thee.

Galatians 3:16, 26

God spoke a spiritual language to Abraham and had an everlasting covenant with him.

Romans 5:17

The word receive is Lambano. They which Lambano the abundance of grace. Don't wait for it to come, take it. Take all the grace you want. Take advantage of the grace. They which receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall KING in life. The word reign there is a lower rendering, its literally means to King, its a verb. This is because He told Abraham that Kings shall come out of him. So if you are the seed of Abraham, you ought to be Kinging. A lot of people think of how to move from where they are to the new picture and dispensation God has for them, well, that's the aim of this conference.

God had to reveal to Abraham who he was by first changing his name. It's like you, you have just been told. You are the seed of Abraham. Jesus Christ didn't die for nothing. Sure He came to save us but that's the lesser part of the purpose, in fact it's not the purpose. That's not why He came but that's what most people believe. That is just the lesser truth though it's a truth. Salvation of on sin is only a means to an end. He had to do that for His higher purpose. Whats Gods purpose, why did Jesus come? Simply put, Jesus came to bring us into fellowship with God. Fellowship means a oneness, partnership, unity, think about it. So much so that He said, 'I and my father are one' . you see how He prayed, all so His oneness with the father will become same with us.

The bible teaches that we are join heirs with the father. Everything that was created was created in Christ's name, and the bible says we are joint heirs meaning everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to us. He brought us to the same life with Himself to remain at same level. How can you understand this thing and have lack. It so doesn't make sense. I can't accept it, you can't explain it with anything.. It's unacceptable.. Your circumstances are inconsistent with this truth.

These things must become to you your lives revelations. These are not religious ideas or thoughts. You haven't enjoyed it because you have to first know. These are spiritual things. The bible says through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

The bible says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.
You must be ready to take advantage of what God's word has given you. Refuse to let anybody or nation make the decisions in your life. While dealing with policies, don't look at the now, look at what the future holds and what it holds to you as a person. You have to make a decision in your life that you are not going to allow the world's definition determine the qualities of your life.

You have to be ready to play by a different set of rules. Operate from the spirit realm cox that's the higher realm. Of you live after the flesh you shall die, but of through the spirit, ye mortify the transactions of the body, ye shall live. I am a king. I was born to be one. When you were born again. You were born a king. All you need to live the successful life God wants you to live is in you. If you haven't been living it, its cox you don't yet know it. In this convention, we will discuss the principles.

When you have money, what do you do with it. Do you know Gods word asks us to save. How do you save, what do you save. Some people are completely financially ignorant. Very smart in many things but no financial information.

Jeremiah 5:4 (KJV, NLT,)
Therefore I said, Surely these are poor; they are foolish: for they know not the way of the Lord, nor the judgment of their God.

Say I refuse to be poor.

That's painful. When you receive Jesus into your life, you received an inheritance. He never comes into your life with nothing. He came to bring you fellowship and an inheritance. It is legally impossible for a Christian to be poor. Like some one who was left an inheritance but never knew about it and so he's suffering. He's legally rich but vitally poor becos he doesn't know of his inheritance.

It is not possible for a Christian to be poor unless he lacks knowledge. For a Christian to be described as poor is a mis-norm.

1 Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 John 1:3
That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

Rom 8:16 — Rom 8:17
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

What does that mean to you???

2 Corinthians 8:9
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.

Don't say its spiritual becos the son of God never became poor spiritually. We're unlimited and unstoppable!!! So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.

It says ye are of God lil children...cos greater is He...

Job 36:11 NLT
If they listen and obey God they will be blessed with prosperity...

Prosperity is a blessing.
I'm blessed!

Eccl 10:10 NLT
Using a dull axe requires strength, so sharpen the blade. That's the value of wisdom, it helps you succeed.

Make your blade sharp. Learn financial intelligence. When u don't, your money starts loosing value. Money is our slaves not the other way round. Don't spend all your life working for money when it should be your money working for you.

Some people have been giving and asking, what more can I do cos they don't get back. That's why I'm here teaching you. There are some basic things example, paying your tithe. Leave the Christians that are still arguing about tithing.

Never spend Gods tithe. Its a cut and its Gods own. If you can't give God tithes from 2,000 you can't give in the millions. If you're not faithful in little, you can't be in much. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were tithers.


I'm rich!

Proverbs 13:18 (CJB)
Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction:
but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.

Prov 14:23 CJB
In all work there is profit but mere talk produces only poverty.

Just confessing is mere talk. What do you have in your hands, what do you want God to bless. I have seen confessors become broke. James said show me your faith with works...corresponding action. What is it you want God to bless. What is the direction the Spirit of God is giving you. What this the right thing to do? Know how to be led by the Spirit of God. Raise your spiritual antenna and you can tell when He's guiding you in a direction. If you're not sure, pray in tongues, after some days still not sure, add fasting, after fasting still no answers, add seclusion. Stay in your closet no movements till you hear from God. Separate yourself from food and people. At that time, you shove your phone aside, its now you and God and He understands that language.

The Bible says Ask... Seek... Ye shall find! Knock.. It shall be opened! These are levels depending on how much you want it!

I'm know who I am
I stand before kings

When you give, don't give like a poor man becos you're not poor. Always make your giving to God a statement. Your giving is a statement.

Take your offering now!

Tmrw, it is a giving and receiving thing. Suddenly!!!! Determine what your faith is attainable and what your seed you're giving for it.

Its the same way people get healing. There will be a Sudden Change and you will know that you know that you know... I'm looking forward to your testimony.

Tomorrow, you're going to receive and you will know. When it has happened, you will tell us the testimony.

There's a knowing in your spirit and nothing can take that away from you!

Praise the Lord!!!!! x 7
Hallelujah!!! x7

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