Saturday, 13 February 2016


This is a very special program especially in our year of Greatness.
This is our finance convention & it’s very different from our other kind of meetings. We have prayer meetings, healing meetings, outreach meetings… one of them is our finance meeting. It is very different. When you come from a prayer meeting, what do you expect? If you don’t expect the right thing, you won’t get the right answer. What you expect is what you’re going to get. If you attend a prayer meeting, what you are supposed to expect is answers. When you go for a healing meeting, you expect healing. If you go for an outreach meeting, you expect souls won for the Lord… you expect to see salvation.
In a finance convention, a lot of times people don’t know what to expect… and because they don’t know, their faith is not ready for it. They are not prepared for it. Sometimes what we focus on becomes the dominant idea on our minds.
For example, if you went to a church on a Sunday morning, if you focus on the message…that will be the dominant idea on your mind. If you focus on the music, the music will be the dominant thing. What we focus our minds on will control our thoughts. Most of the time, in finance convention, people focus on how the people gave. They focus on what they did and not on what they received. I want to help you direct your mind on what God’s purpose really is…
If you look at the Bible, you won’t see the words finance convention or outreach meeting but there were such meetings…and you will learn what they expected in such meetings. It is very important that from the beginning, you understand what is in the message because the secret is in the message.
I am going to be dealing with wealth creation very different from what you ever heard.
Can I create wealth? Can I create abundance for my life & for those who come into my world? What kind of a life do I want to live? Can I create wealth? Yes. Can I help others create wealth? This is good whether you’re enjoying wealth or not because it will help you whether you’re enjoying wealth or you want to multiply wealth or you want to help others create wealth.
Gen 1:1-28
That’s remarkable because it shows that God is a creator… What I’m going to share with you can put you in a position where you will never lack and you’ll always be in abundance in your life… If you study this portion of the scripture (Gen 1:1-3), you’ll find out that there’s a great difference between verse 1 and verse 2. V3 “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” The Hebrew of this verse says, Light Be - that means light come into existence… and it happened. The first manifestation of God is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. In verse 1, the Hebrew for God there is Elohim which is a plural form which shows that even though He is one God, he is more than One Person. Then it goes on to say, the Spirit of God which means it has identified One Person and this One Person is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God hovered over the earth. V2 Everything was covered with water; that is why it says darkness covered the face of the deep. V3 creation begins. In verse 3, the Bible doesn’t actually tell us that it is creation. It is actually a recreation because in verse 2 something happened that made the earth formless & void. I will go into that tomorrow. Except where it says that God specifically created, it was a recreation. God recreated light meaning that there was light before.
“And the evening and the morning were the first day” Isn’t it wonderful? He calls it evening and morning because the day gets brighter and brighter from the darkness. V11 Let the earth bring forth grass. It didn’t say that God created…apparently there was grass before. V 16 God made two great lights, He made the stars also. He created these ones. So there were other lights already because we see previously where He said “Let there be Light.” V21 And God created great whales. Did you notice ‘and God created’? Notice when He creates something and when He commands something to come up. V26 the point I want you to notice is the authority God gives to man in verse 26… the authority He gives to man over all the earth. That includes all the minerals.
Gen 2v1-7. V3 Notice the words created and made. The Hebrew word translated into “created” means to bring something out of nothing and the one for “made” means to bring something out of what already existed. The creation of man and the forming of man are two different things. When God created man in Chapter 1, man was a spirit being but the forming of man in chapter 2 was the putting of man into shape.
1) The presence of the Holy Spirit.
2) The word of God
In verse 26, God made man in His image and after His likeness meaning let man look like God and function like God. We are the image of God. That is why God said we should not kill another man. We are also made in the likeness of God so we should copy Him. Eph 5:1 “Be imitators of God.” We are supposed to copy Him. Jesus said, “ I do what I see my father do.” If you want to bring wealth into your personal life, then you can. All you have to do is follow the principles of God. When the Holy Spirit was put into the earth in Gen 1:1, He prepared those things (the Holy Spirit created the earth) but God had to speak to bring them forth. Why did God have to speak? What is so important about words?
Words contain energy. They contain sound waves which carry energy -measurable energy.
When you raise the volume of the sound of some equipment, you see some things begin to vibrate. You are seeing the effects of energy. If you didn’t raise the volume high, you wouldn’t know that something could be happening like that but just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean that it is not happening. The important thing here is that we are looking at the bridge between the Spiritual and the Physical.
The Holy Spirit is spiritual & God speaks His words and physical things begin to appear (in creation - Gen 1). How could words acted upon by the holy spirit bring such things into being? This means that when we speak, our words acted upon by the Holy Spirit can bring forth things into the holy spirit…they will produce.
A scientist had an experiment on how words affect a plant. He grew 2 different plants. He spoke loving and kind words to one while he spoke abusive words to the other.
The plant that he spoke kind words to blossomed while the plant he spoke abusive words to didn’t grow well until it literally withered and died. How did that happen? The power of words. Words are your bridge between the spiritual and the physical realm because they are both spiritual and physical.
If it is true that sound waves have energy and they come from speech… Einstein’s theory tells us that energy is matter. If energy is matter, then your speech is matter. It means that the smallest component of any element, therefore, may not be an atom. It means it is likely to be sound mass. That means that every particle has sound mass that contains sound codes and it will respond to sound waves. If that is true, it helps us to see the relationship between physical things and spiritual things. That is why we can call things from the spiritual world into the physical world.
In the value of dry bones, God tell Ezekiel, “Can this dry bones live?” He tells Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones. That is why the most beautiful thing God ever gave to man was the gift of Speech…because it puts him in the same level as the creator.
Recently, they are using high intensive ultra sound focusing to destroy cancer cells. If this can destroy cancer cells; that means words can destroy cancer cells. That is why it is wrong to speak negative words because it is making a connection to the subatomic sound particle of that thing and telling it what to do. Once you begin to speak words, creation or destruction occurs.
Rom 10:8-10 The heart is where the Holy Spirit lives and your mouth (words) catapults you into salvation and in salvation is where we have all the promises in Christ Jesus.
Math 6:10 “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as [it is] in heaven.” The kingdom has already come. In heaven, there is no lack or sickness and God wants His will to be done now even as it is in heaven.
3John 1:2
If you believe this, from tonight, miraculous things will begin to happen to you. There is an angel for finances. That angel is here tonight. Some of you are going to find money in your bag, in your pocket, money in your account (which you don’t know how it got there) from tonight, this week into next week.
The word of God is very real. How come Jesus multiplied bread and fish instantly to feed a multitude. When He wanted tax money, he told Peter to go into the belly of a fish and get it. Is this counterfeit money? No. let me explain it to you
Precious Jesus I thank you. I command financial miracles for your children.
Isaiah 45:3
“Hidden riches of secret places.” He knows where the money is. You are a child of God and there is nothing too good for you. The Holy Spirit came into your life to help you live a supernatural life. The Bible says, “Walk in the spirit.” We are to live in the spirit and walk in the spirit. That means, we live our lives in the spirit…heavenly consciousness.
The first time I experienced a financial miracle like this…I needed some money...came home for some money and my mum left some money which she had just gotten in a taxi cab. I needed the money to give in the fellowship. I prayed and the Spirit said, “Open the drawer in front of you.” I did and there was money. I took it out and went straight to my mum. It was the money.
That angel is always here. I am showing you how to walk in the realm of supernatural finance but you have to believe it first. The Bible says, with the heart man believes unto salvation. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. You are a child of God. Lack has no place in your life.
There is someone here, the little money you have has begun to multiply. Check it.
Math 6:19-21, 2nd Cor 4:18
How can I lay up treasures in heaven? Heaven is God’s place and you can begin to experience heaven here. We are born after the Man of heaven. The presence of God is where your money should be. This doesn’t only mean church. All that you have should be under the anointing of God’s spirit. You are the temple of God’s Spirit and everything that gets in contact with you or is brought to you is sanctified by the Holyspirit. Until you recognize that, it will not work. Truth has to be acted upon for it to work.
I am a child of God. I know who I am. I walk in divine prosperity. I walk in divine supply.
“Give us this day our daily bread” This mean that every day, there is an amount for you and God is not into provision. He’s into supply.
There’s a difference between provision and supply. He gives you so that you can also give to others… meaning that there is surplus for us. Each one of us has an heavenly account and it doesn’t mean that it only works in heaven but you can draw from it now because you are a child of God. Some of you have never drawn from it. That means there is an accumulation of wealth which is accrued to you and that you didn’t know it doesn’t mean that you have forfeited it. Now that you know about it, what are you going to do about it?
Let me tell you something I saw the Spirit of God do, if your money was in dollars…you’ll find extra dollars and if in naira you’ll find extra naira. That means it doesn’t have anything to do with currency. Leaving the life of lack is not necessary.
I call forth money into a place and it comes. We must put our faith to work. We must have the miraculous otherwise Christianity becomes another religion. Start checking for extra money. Become expectant because God wants us to be expectant, otherwise you won’t be in this kind of meeting. When I say, there is money here. Money comes. It’s an impartation. Some of you are going to find money when it is in your home or in your car.
When he said, give us our daily bread…He’s not telling us in the new testament. That was before He made the provision. He was telling those under the old covenant. That means we have better promises and the old one is still available to us.
From what I have taught you about sound codes, that means you can call forth money.
A special moment of blessing for you. Pray in the Spirit!!!

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